Over the past few days there have been many reports that the UK and EU may be inching towards a Brexit deal. We don’t yet know if this is a genuine attempt by Boris Johnson to reach a deal, or just another move in the ongoing blame game, but if it is true it presents us with an opportunity to get a People’s Vote on Brexit, as any Brexit deal must be agreed to by Parliament.
We know that some MPs are already planning to hold a vote in a new referendum on Brexit Super Saturday, 19th October. We need to do all we can to ensure that MPs approve any Brexit deal only if it is made conditional on a new referendum where the choice will be between Johnson’s Brexit deal and staying in the EU.
Here are a couple of things you can do to help make this happen.
Contact your MPs
Contact your MPs today and tell them to vote make any Brexit deal conditional on being approved in a People’s Vote, a new referendum where the alternative is to stay in the EU. Keep your email or letter short, but you could point out that:
- Since June 2017 polls have shown consistently that the majority of people in the UK want to stay in the EU
- The Brexit that Boris Johnson is pushing through is very different to what the Leave campaign promised in the 2016 referendum campaign
- Holding a referendum before a general election will allow the general election to focus on the many urgent challenges our country faces, and not be dominated by Brexit
We have information on contacting your MP(s) at https://www.cambridgestays.org.uk/take-action/write-to-your-mp/ and we also recommend that you email Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer (keir.starmer.mp@parliament.uk) and Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn (leader@labour.org.uk).
Join us at the People’s Vote march in London on 19th October
The People’s Vote “Together for a Final Say”march will take place in London on Saturday October 19th…the same day as the Super Saturday votes in Parliament. The timing is perfect, we need this march to be huge, so be there!
There are still some seats left on our coaches from Cambridge to the march. Coach tickets cost £15, and can be booked at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/coaches-from-cambridge-to-peoples-vote-march-on-19-october-tickets-69446318809
If you’re travelling by train you can meet the coach party beside the Animals in War memorial on Park Lane (towards the Marble Arch end of Park Lane, at W1K 7QF) by 11:30. Shortly after 11:30 we’ll set off to join the main march further down Park Lane.
Saturday 19th October 2019 may be our best – and possibly our last – chance to get the People’s Vote we need to stop Brexit. So email, write and march to let our MPs know that we demand a final say on Brexit!