What are the origins of British Euroscepticism, and what motivated the UK electorate to vote narrowly to leave the EU in 2016?
To join this free online discussion with Dr Ben Hawkins on Wednesday 8 June at 8 PM, register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rfuCqqz8sGNKETP6xDW3q0rjDxpqIYKa9
As supporters of the EU start down the long road to rejoining, it is important to understand the reasons why in 2016 many people believed that the UK would be better off outside the EU, and why a substantial minority still do.
In this talk Dr Ben Hawkins, a Senior Research Associate in the Social Sciences at the MRC Epidemiology Unit, explores the reasons why the UK voted for Brexit, some related to the EU, others less so.