On Saturday 8th December – the last Saturday before the ‘meaningful vote’ on Theresa May’s Brexit deal – there will be a nationwide day of action in support of a People’s Vote, involving thousands of activists from hundreds of local groups across the UK.
As part of this action day Cambridge Stays will be holding a stall outside the Guildhall in Market Square, Cambridge, from 12 noon until 4 pm.
If you can join us for a couple of hours between 12 noon and 4 pm email us at info@cambridgestays.org.uk and tell us when you’ll be there.
We’ll have our Brexitometer, as well as leaflets to take and postcards to sign and send, but we are also planning to send teams to hand out leaflets in other areas of the city such as in Fitzroy St. next to the Grafton Centre and Christs Lane next to Drummer St. bus station.
New volunteers are always very welcome!